
Chit kaya is a stone sanctuary near Kardzhali, consisting of about 50 rock trapezoidal niches carved into the cliffs above the village of Lisitsite. To this day, there is no plausible explanation for the purpose of these openings, which are carved in hard-to-reach places that even modern climbers would struggle to access.
At the base of Chit kaya, there is a rock shaped like a skull, and in the area, other stone formations can be recognized, representing alien and human faces, as well as other figures.

You can enjoy Chit kaya via two routes – the first is flat and easy, passing below the sanctuary, and is suitable for children. The second route requires a bit more climbing but offers incredible panoramic views of the Studen kladenets reservoir and the surrounding area.

To reach the village of Lisitsite, located 15 kilometers from Kardzhali, you need to cross the longest suspension bridge in Bulgaria,which is 260 meters long. After crossing the bridge, it takes about another hour to reach Chit kaya, or “the walled rock,” as its name translates. Almost every path in the area leads to the rock sanctuary, with the direction being straightforward – upwards. The most popular route starts from the village fountain near the bridge and offers breathtaking views of the ,,Studen kladenets’’ reservoir.

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